Incentive Awards

C.G.B.-C.B.B. supports short stay scientific missions of Ph.D. students for a maximum amount of 750,00 euro.


  1. The applicant is a Ph.D. student at a Belgian university.
  2. The applicant has at least one ChemPubSoc publication.
  3. The applicant submits a scientific project with the following elements: (1) goals of the short stay; (2) type of measurements and/or calculations to be performed; (3) expected benefits for the Ph.D. (one page).
  4. The application is supported by a letter of the promotor and of the host institute.
  5. The minimum duration is 2 weeks; the maximum is 2 months.
  6. The applicant submits a scientific and financial report within one month after the short stay.

If requested, 50% of the requested money can be transferred immediately after approval; the remaining after approval of the report.

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